Not Strong Drinking Coffee? Chew Gum Only, The Impact Same
Jakarta, Some people need coffee so as not to be sleepy, but unfortunately can not drink because the stomach acid easy to rise or heart is often pounding. No problem, just replace it with chewing gum. Can be proved, the impact is almost the same. One study in Japan showed that chewing gum can increase blood flow in the brain to 10%. Impact excluding increase the power of thinking, also protects alertness or alertness to not easily drowsy. Research published in the journal Brain and Cognition involves several participants who are told to chew gum. While chewed, the brain is fitted with a special tool that can map the addition of some brain cells. Except for latching, some participants also do the alacrity test done with the computer. The step is enough just squeeze the right or left buttons according to the same marks that come out on the monitor monitor. How alert and accurate the reaction is, it is also what will be judged. According to the results of the assessment, participants showed there was an increase in alertness and accuracy in the test while chewing while chewing gum. Naturally, the brain needs 545 milliseconds to react while chewing gum so faster that is 493 milliseconds. These findings provide indications, chewing gum chewing has an influence on the role of the brain. This finding is also reinforced by brain scans performed during chewing gum participants. Apparently, the responsible side of the brain protects the concentration and regulates movement to be more active when chewing gum. "" The chewing effect on reaction speed is so real. It might be that the manager of the football team (Alex Fergusson, Manchester United manager) just happened to chew gum, but it seems that it is the right thing, "" said Prof Andy Smith of Cardiff University as taken from the Daily Mail on Monday (4/2/2013) . (up / vta)